Warriors of Ash is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization. We are a Historical European Martial Arts school. We focus not just on technical skill with weapons but also the physical training of our fighters. The best of us make the traveling fight team, Prime, representing W.O.A. at national tournaments. We have a unique training program, and each person decides for themselves what to get out of the experience. You can come to get in shape, practice technique, enjoy the camaraderie, or even go as far as to compete in local and national tournaments. We are also active in the local community, often times at fight nights at Fae Nectar in Lake Lure and at the Asheville Celtic Fest, marching in parades, or hosting our own Festival of Heroes.
More of what we were up to in 2023 can be found on our latest blog post here: https://www.warriorsofash.com/post/2023-a-warrior-recap