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Develop combat skills, challenge your mind and body, and explore history
through the study of armed historic European martial arts. 

All classes now held at our new War Room! 

89 Thompson St

Asheville, NC 28803



Sunday at 2:30pm:
Beginner course! 

Must complete this class to unlock all others. 


Sundays at 5pm to 8pm:
Mixed Weapon.

 Workout, drills, and sparring. This class will be

designed to increase your combat

ability and individual style.


Tuesday at 6:30pm:
Longsword with David Rayburn

German and Italian longsword techniques.


Wednesday at 630pm:
Dussack with Ziggy. 

Study of one-handed sword techniques inspired by
Joachim Meyer. Come ready for a good workout and light sparring.


Thursday at 6pm: Viking Combat with Mike the Viking

The only place in the Southeast to learn how to fight like a Viking.
Dark ages combat armed combat skills with a focus on ulfberht
sword, Dane axe, hand axe, and round shield.





Full gear required for sparring, hands, face and groin
protection required to participate in warm ups and weapon tech.

Though our stance on vaccination has not changed, we no longer require proof of vaccination to participate in our classes or events.


Membership is sliding scale, $40-$80 a month for all classes or $10 for drop in.

We look forward to training with you all and working towards our next Festival of Heroes!


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© 2016 by Raquel Erbach


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